Learn about the Pipeline webhooks, how to set it up, and how to extract data from the payload.
About Webhooks
A webhook is a way for an app to send data to other apps based on an event trigger.
Getting started
Set up a webhook as a Rule
You can setup webhooks using Flow Rules using the event triggers.
A common use-case is sending a webhook to your endpoint whenever a new Ask is created. The rule configuration looks like the following:
To ensure security, Pipeline webhooks require HTTPS
endpoints. HTTP
endpoint is not allowed.
Note, your webhook endpoint must be accessible by Pipeline. By default, Pipeline cannot access an endpoint that requires authentication. If your endpoint requires authentication, please contact our support team to request customization.
Test Signature
Use the following parameters to make sure your signature validator is working correctly.
AES Encryption Parameters:
Mode CBC
IV Init Vector IV16
Key Size 128 bits
Webhook Parameters:
Time 1616787950772
Digest 6BciKizahTvXKQBw
From shrutefarms.pipelineapp.io
To mockbin.org
Webhook Signature wfKE8Zr7ZxVZCzNPvnVs98IlHtAw7bSVWxPntvl5f3b/0AJ8wi/I3l77GlHx0ZQ5exT8QMMsT+zUEfzNcx4U/g==
Validate the webhook signature
We HIGHLY recommend that you validate the webhook signature.
A Pipeline webhook sends 3 HTTP headers for security and validation:
Timestamp of the webhook in Unix epoch millisecondsX-PL-DIGEST
Digest to decrypt the signatureX-PL-SIGNATURE
Webhook signature
The webhook signature is an AES encrypted, |
delimited string of the timestamp (Unix epoch in milliseconds), destination domain name, and origin domain name of the webhook, ex: 1616787950772|mockbin.org|shrutefarms.pipelineapp.io
Use the Digest to decrypt the signature and validate the timestamp and origin domain name in the signature against the time in the HTTP header and the referring domain.
Make sure the data in the signature match the data in the HTTP header.
In addition, you can use the timestamp to ensure you protect against replay attacks.
Reviewing the payload
The data in the webhook is a JSON payload based on the RequestType
with the following:
- Ask overview
- Submitter
- Flow owner
- Create Ask form details
- Current step
{ "requestStatusName": "Open", "process": { "processName": "Test flow", "processCode": "TCK124RLNA99", "isArchive": 0 }, "requestComment": "", "requestCode": "GFK3ARE861", "requestName": "test ask", "requestDateStamp": 1601941558050, "currentStepId": 44258, "currentStepCode": "QZM44258FGXIXF", "requestRecurrenceId": 0, "totalSteps": 3, "completedStepCount": 0, "totalTodoSteps": 3, "currentProcessStepOwnerTeamName": "N/A", "isDelayed": false, "useDueDates": false, "originalDueDateStamp": 1601941558050, "currentDueDateStamp": 1601941558050, "requester": { "contactFirstName": "Henry", "contactLastName": "Evans", "contactEmail": "henry.evans@company.com", "contactCode": "GYD6GR6W18", "isTrash": false }, "workflowOwner": { "contactFirstName": "", "contactLastName": "", "contactEmail": "", "contactCode": "", "type": "Team", "contactProfileImageUrl": "", "contactPoolProfileImageUrl": "", "contactPoolName": "Test Team", "contactPoolCode": "SNY30P4M48N", "contactIsMe": false, "isMember": 1, "isOwner": 1, "isTrash": false, "members": [ { "contactFirstName": "Henry", "contactLastName": "Evans", "contactEmail": "henry.evans@company.com", "contactCode": "GYD6GR6W18", "isTrash": false } ] }, "form": { "formId": 604, "fields": [ { "fieldCode": "3B104627-7182-40A2-8134-8A68FD6B49D7", "editableFieldValue": "Henry", "fieldTitle": "First Name", "fieldType": "TEXT", "fieldValue": "Henry", "fieldName": "contact_first_name", "metDependency": true, "childFields": null }, { "fieldCode": "E9E8FA01-52FA-40A5-94FE-4FF61F46F8E0", "editableFieldValue": "Evans", "fieldTitle": "Last Name", "fieldType": "TEXT", "fieldValue": "Evans", "fieldName": "contact_last_name", "metDependency": true, "childFields": null }, { "fieldCode": "792E449C-4587-4856-AED3-B1A20465C0B2", "editableFieldValue": "henry.evans@company.com", "fieldTitle": "Email", "fieldType": "TEXT", "fieldValue": "henry.evans@company.com", "fieldName": "contact_email", "metDependency": true, "childFields": null }, { "fieldCode": "D53FFC90-23F2-432A-A974-468FF8F8A441", "editableFieldValue": "test ask", "fieldTitle": "Ask", "fieldType": "TEXT", "fieldValue": "test ask", "fieldName": "request_name", "metDependency": true, "childFields": null }, { "fieldCode": "253FEFE2-E8AE-4606-BC94-B7F67DF99FCD", "editableFieldValue": "", "fieldTitle": "Details", "fieldType": "TEXTAREA", "fieldValue": "", "fieldName": "details_notes_or_comments", "metDependency": true, "childFields": null }, { "fieldCode": "53789D90-E479-4091-ADDE-24C48D0CC58D", "editableFieldValue": "", "fieldTitle": "Files", "fieldType": "FILEUPLOAD", "fieldValue": "", "fieldName": "request_files", "metDependency": true, "childFields": null } ] }, "attachments": [], "currentStepRename": { "stepCode": "QZM44258FGXIXF", "stepName": "Execute step 1", "stepStatusName": " NA", "dueDateTimeToComplete": 1, "dueDateStamp": 1601941558147, "useDueDates": false, "isPastDue": false, "stepOrder": 1, "isAdHocStep": false, "isExternal": 0, "isSkippable": 0, "isConfidential": 0, "stepCreateDateStamp": 1601941560000.0, "stepStartDateStamp": 1601941560000.0, "requestCode": "GFK3ARE861", "canReassignStep": true, "canSendReminder": true, "stepOwner": { "contactFirstName": "Henry", "contactLastName": "Evans", "contactEmail": "henry.evans@company.com", "contactCode": "GYD6GR6W18", "type": "Contact", "contactProfileImageUrl": "https://d1v1s76gnntd7e.cloudfront.net/pipeline/contact-blank.png", "contactPoolProfileImageUrl": "", "contactPoolName": "", "contactPoolCode": "", "contactIsMe": true, "isMember": 0, "isOwner": 0, "isTrash": false, "members": [] } } }
If you need more details (ex: all steps, activity feed, etc.), please use the getRequest
query from the API.