Introducing Bundles

Have you ever needed a way to group Asks together and share it with another team, department or even company?

Bundles are a perfect way to group Asks together and share it with others!

For example, you could group all Asks for your events (ex: web update, sales invitations, marketing campaigns, etc.). Or, you could group all Asks for your supplier. The possibilities are endless! 

And, once a Ask is added into a bundle, you will see the bundle icon  on the Ask details screen. That way, you can quickly jump back-and-forth between Asks in the same bundle.

Furthermore, as a bundle owner, you can add text, images and links to provide context for the bundle. It's so much more helpful than just a plain list of links.

Finally, bundles give you a mini-dashboard for your Asks, so that everyone following can easily monitor the progress.

What a great way to organize and share Asks!

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