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Simplify workflow complexity with Linked Values »
Use answers collected from the intake to dynamically change and streamlines forms in the following steps.
Basic vs. Smart Personalization »
Looking to implement automated personalization? There's a BIG difference between basic personalization and smart personalization, and your customers can tell the difference.
5 ways to make automated emails not look system generated »
Don't want your automated emails to look system generated email? Here are 5 ways Pipeline's email whitelabeling option helps you customize and personalize your emails.
The 3 most important activities when onboarding new customers »
Automate and personalize the hand-off from sales to customer onboarding to create a seamless experience. That way, you maintain momentum and not force the customer to waiting on you.
Put steps On-Hold »
Need the ability to put your steps or someone else's steps on-hold temporarily? Pipeline makes this easy!
Make bulk updates »
Are you managing or overseeing many asks for your team or department? Need to make lots of changes across lots of asks? Do that easily with bulk updates in Pipeline!
75% of cross-functional teams are dysfunctional »
In a study of 95 teams across 25 leading corporations, researchers found that nearly 75% of cross-functional teams are dysfunctional, failing at least three out of five criteria for organizational success.
Get notifications in Slack instead of email »
Has your team switched to using Slack instead of email for your internal communications? Then, you'll love this native Pipeline integration with Slack!
Set up auto-escalations for incomplete steps »
Tired of chasing responses from people who simply ignore your reminders? Especially people who are in the critical path of your project? Pipeline can help you resolve that with auto-escalations.
It's not just you. Everybody is drowning in apps. »
Employees use an average of 52 different spreadsheets and apps each week. As Josh Brenner, CEO of notes, "A typical company's tech stack could require an employee to switch between 4-5 different apps just to complete one task."
Easily collaborate with customers, vendors, and partners »
Does keeping all your customers, vendors, or partners on the same page feel like herding cats? See how the Pipeline tracking portal can take that completely off your plate.
Start onboarding your customers automatically after they accept your Ignition proposal »
Kick-off your customer onboarding process immediately after your customer accepts your Ignition proposal with this native Pipeline integration!
Start onboarding your customers automatically after they sign your GoProposal »
Want to kick-off your customer onboarding process immediately after your customer signs your GoProposal? You can with Pipeline's native integration!
Send personalized text messages automatically »
Want to send text updates to key stake-holders when certain milestones are reached in your process? Here's how to automate that in Pipeline.
Collect payments in your flow with Stripe Checkout »
Need to collect payment as one of the steps in your flow? Pipeline makes that easy, because it supports a seamless integration with Stripe.
Start qualifying your leads automatically after they book a meeting in Calendly »
Want to kick-off your Pipeline process for qualifying leads immediately after they schedule a meeting in Calendly? It's easy with this native integration from Pipeline!
Start onboarding your customers automatically after they DocuSign »
Want to kick-off your Pipeline process immediately after your customer signs in DocuSign? You can with Pipeline's native integration!
Add Content Variables, Formulas, and Conditions with the Content Wizard »
Transform plain, text instructions into something intelligent, clutter-free, easy-to-understand, and immediately actionable.
Only 40% of companies are able to ensure that expectations from new customers are met »
A smooth onboarding is critical for a new customer, because it sets the tone for the rest of the engagement. If you mess it up, you can do irreparable damage to the relationship.
Let external users track progress »
Want to give your external users (customers, vendors, etc.) the ability track their progress like they can with delivery packages? Pipeline makes that easy!
Process approvals and kickbacks automatically »
It is very common in workflows to have steps where an approval needs to be captured or a disapproval needs to be handled. Pipeline has made handling approvals easy with the Approval step.
Create a seamless and personalized customer experience »
Customers today want an experience that can adapt in real-time to their needs and interactions. With Pipeline, you can personalize every customer interaction so that you can deliver the experience that customers demand today.
Send reminders and follow ups automatically »
If you need someone to do something for you, it's not uncommon to have to follow-up 3 or 4 times. Let Pipeline to automatically send reminders and follow-ups as part of your flow, so that you don't have to worry about it anymore!
Add intentional delay(s) to your Flow »
When managing a flow, there are often scenarios where an intentional delay needs to be added, because the flow should not automatically proceed to the next step. With the Delay step, Pipeline can easily manage this for you.
73% of workers are planning to change jobs in the next 2-3 years »
"The world is entering into a talent migration that's bigger than anything we've seen before," says LinkedIn CEO, Ryan Roslansky. How big? 73% of workers are planning to change jobs in the next 2-3 years, and 40% of workers are actively looking for a new job right now.
Send personalized email notifications automatically »
Tired of sending out email notifications and updates to stakeholders? Use Pipeline to automatically send personalized email notifications as part of your flow, using email-only steps, content variables, and content formulas.
Turn your external steps into a step-by-step wizard »
Do you need your external step owners (customers, vendors, etc.) to provide lots of information to you? Break down your Ask into a step-by-step wizard!
81% of workers lost time because they used the wrong version of a file »
The vast majority of knowledge workers lose time each day on document versioning issues, like searching for the right version of a file or working on an outdated document.
Slow down and give clients a real solution, not a quick-fix »
A quick-fix may seem like the best way to resolve client issues, but taking the time to fully understand and resolve the issue turns clients into passionate promoters.
Level up your process mapping with swimlanes »
Do you have a complex flows with many participants? Need an easy way to see your flow by role? Now you can see your flow as a swimlane or cross-functional diagram!
Make your Smart Instructions even smarter with Content Variables, Formulas, and Conditions »
Transform plain, text instructions into something intelligent, clutter-free, easy-to-understand, and immediately actionable.
Onboard your remote employees and help them build social capital »
The best customer experience starts with successful and competent employees. Increase employee retention and fulfillment by onboarding well and making social capital a priority.
Tidy up with a Step Group »
Calling all tidying aficionados! Whoever said organization was just for the home? Are there steps in your flows that need to be started at the same time, instead of one after another? Organize these steps together into a Step Group!
Your new hire just logged on for the first time. Now what? »
Before they can start contributing and adding value, new hires need to know: what to do, how to do it correctly, who are their key stakeholders, etc. Building that solid foundation isn't going to happen by accident.
Search using #hashtags »
Need a way to quickly find Asks based on keyword? Want to easily group Asks based on a topic? Now, you can with hashtags! Just like you would on Twitter and Instagram, simply add the hashtag(s) to your note.
Transport form field values from one step to another »
Capture form field values on the Create Ask form or a step form and automatically transport that same value into other steps as Smart Instructions.
Balance confidentiality and transparency on your flows »
At Pipeline, we believe in providing transparency on your flows. However, transparency does not mean sharing every detail of your process with everyone. Sometimes, confidentiality may be essential to your business.
Create great customer experience, increase loyalty, and prevent customer churn »
73% of customers say customer experience is a key buying factor. And, the business impact is clear—great customer experience leads to increased sales and customer loyalty, while poor customer experience leads to directly churn.
Only 38% of employees feel they're being properly trained in new processes and tools »
As everyone adapts to the new normal of the remote workforce or hybrid workforce, are employees being trained and equipped to use new processes, apps, tools, and technologies?
Only 8% of customers say they get great customer experience »
In this episode of Leader-to-Leader, John takes a deep dive into a Harvard Business Review article talking how customer experience will be more important than price.
Secure your GSuite and protect against hackers »
As companies rush to move work online, they're vulnerable to hackers who are looking to take advantage of misconfigurations in cybersecurity. Check your GSuite security settings now.
Automate repetitive actions with Smart Rules »
As humans, we can only do so much in a day. With automation, we can do much more, every day. Did you know that as a flow owner you can automate the necessary but repetitive actions?
Make steps skippable for step owners »
Skipping steps—it's bad for the ankles, but great for your flows. As flow owners, there are going to be times when a step is simply not needed. For those times, you can allow the step to be skipped and closed.
Track email opens »
Are you tired of waiting for responses to your emails? Tired of people saying, "I never got your email"? Do you want to know for sure if your email was opened or not? Now, you can, because Pipeline tracks email opens!
Bad-hires in the new normal »
39% of chief financial officers surveyed by Robert Half International said that bad hires had cost them productivity, and supervisors spend 17% of their time—which is about one day per week—managing poorly performing employees.
"Garbage in" costs you 15-25% of revenue »
In this episode of Leader-to-Leader, John looks at a MIT Sloan Management Review article talking about how bad or inaccurate data costs you 15-25% of revenue.
Virtual or remote school still qualifies employees for EFLMA »
The Dept. of Labor clarified that for the FFCRA, employees qualify for EFLMA even if kids go back to school virtually. So, do you have a simple EFMLA process that is both easy-to-complete for your employees and trackable from HR to accounting?
75% of traditional training is forgotten in just 6 days »
In this episode of Leader-to-Leader, John examines a Harvard Business Review article talking about how the traditional way of training and learning is not only ineffective, it's downright wasteful.
Workers only spend 39% of their time doing the job »
In this episode of Leader-to-Leader, John looks at the Social Economy research report by McKinsey and Company which identifies a tremendous opportunity to opportunity to increase the productivity.
How are you managing the new challenges related to remote work? »
More than half (53%) of knowledge workers in a recent survey said they lacked a dedicated desk, personal computer, laptop or reliable internet connection in the shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to reopen your office and stay open »
In this episode of Leader-to-Leader, John dives into the recently released CDC and SCORE guidelines for how to reopen offices, and they contain more than just checking people's temperatures and social distancing.
Safeguard company assets amid staffing changes while working remote »
Layoffs require coordination across business units: HR, Operations, and IT. Everyone needs to play their part to ensure safe recovery of physical and digital assets when workers are leave the company.
Turn plain instructions into Smart Instructions »
Embed files and form field values from one step into another step's instructions so that everything appears together, and step owners won't waste time searching for the information they need.
Save time with Form Field Templates »
Choose from a set of pre-built form fields (e.g., name, phone, address, etc.) and insert them into your forms instantly without having to create them from scratch!
Remote work is here to stay, so we need to adapt »
If part or all of your workforce is going to be remote for months instead of weeks, you need to make sure that all critical business processes continues to run smoothly.
Be productive by spending time on the right things »
We're all busy—busy doing tasks, answering emails, attending meetings, etc., but are we spending time doing the right things?
Quickly enact remote work policies with these free HR templates »
Need help drafting remote work and telecommuting HR policies? We're offering our remote work policies as free templates to help get you started.
Designate due dates for steps »
Hey flow owners, would you like to set due dates for the steps on your flows? We've created Step Due Dates to put the power of setting deadlines in the palm of your hands.
Make file uploads required »
Need a way make sure step owners upload a file without having to manually double-check everything? Then, this new feature is for you!
Track, compare, and A/B test your flows »
Have you ever needed to make changes to your process? Ever wonder if the process change you made produced tangible results? Then, versioning is perfect for you, because Pipeline tracks versions of your flows!
Reopen closed Asks »
Do you need to make a quick change to a canceled or completed Ask? Just reopen it to add some notes, update some attachments, etc.
Create external-facing Create Ask Forms for external users »
There are many common situations when external users can trigger a process by submitting a form. In situations like those, Pipeline gives you the flexibility to allow external users to trigger your flow.
Introducing the Pipeline Virtual Assistant »
In addition to our world-class Live Agent chat support, now users will have 24x7 support from our new Pipeline Virtual Assistant!
Collaborate with third-party teams, vendors or companies »
Do you collaborate with third-parties agencies, vendors or suppliers? Now you can add external team members to your flows as third-party users!
Introducing Bundles »
Have you ever needed a way to group Asks together and share it with another team, department or even company? Bundles are a perfect way to group them together and share it with others!