Collect payments in your flow with Stripe Checkout

Need to make sure you collect payment as one of the steps in your Flow?

Common use-cases of this include:

  • Collecting a deposit from new customers when they start an engagement
  • Collecting a minimum project fee when customers request a new project
  • Collecting a service fee when customers request support

Pipeline makes that easy, because it supports a seamless integration with Stripe!

To set up, go into Stripe and go to Developers → API Keys to copy your API key:

Then, go to Products and find the API Key for SKU or Pricing:

In Pipeline, go to the Step and add the Stripe Checkout snippet by clicking the Snippet icon:

Select Button: Stripe: Make Payment snippet:

After adding the snippet, click the Code icon to add your Stripe API IDs:

Find the following code snippet and updated the highlighted values with values from your Stripe account:

IWSM.IWStripe.PublishableKey = "[your Publishable Key]";
IWSM.IWStripe.ItemPriceID = "[your product SKU API ID or Pricing API ID]";
IWSM.IWStripe.IsSubscription = false;

With this integration, after someone pays via Stripe Checkout, they will be automatically be taken to the next step in your flow!

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Need to collect payment as part of your process? Pipeline makes that easy, because it supports a seamless integration with Stripe. Here's how to set that up.

View How-To »

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