Search using #hashtags

What's a hashtag?

A hashtag is written with a # symbol followed by a combination of letters and numbers, e.g. #tax. They are used to categorize the Ask and make it more searchable.

Note, hashtags are only used in Notes and cannot contain any spaces or punctuation.

Need a way to quickly find Asks based on keyword? Want to easily group Asks based on a topic?

Now, you can with hashtags!

Just like you would on Twitter and Instagram, simply add the hashtag(s) to your note

Clicking on the hashtag will take you to the Ask search screen and return all Asks with that hashtag. Or, simply type in the hashtag into the search.

Want to level up your hashtag game? Add Smart Rule(s) to your flow to automatically add hashtags based on certain conditions!

Check out some popular uses for hashtags

Popular hashtags in Pipeline break down into these following types:

  • Product or service hashtags: These are hashtags that describe the product or service provided, e.g. #payrollprocessing or #taxfiling
  • Project, campaign, or event hashtags: These hashtags describe the project, campaign, or event, e.g. #ces2021 or #digitalprivacy
  • Submitter hashtags: These hashtags describe the submitter, e.g. #marketing or #americanairlines
  • Support Case hashtags: These hashtags describe the support case, e.g. #sev1 or #outage
  • Third-Party hashtags: These hashtags describe the vendor/supplier that performed the activity, e.g. #foxconn or #ericsson
  • Timeframe hashtags: These hashtags describe the timing, e.g. #expedite or #2021q1

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