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Notifications and Reminders

Apr 15, 2023

Pipeline will automatically notify and follow-up with people to remind them of what they need to do to. That way, you can focus on more important things!

Email notifications

Pipeline will automatically send email notifications to step owners when they become the current step owner in the Ask, based on their notification settings.

The email notification will be from alert@pipelineapp.io, and the sender name will be [Your Company] via Pipeline. Add-On If you want emails to come from your own domain, you must purchase a Custom Email Domain add-on.

Please tell everyone to whitelist alert@pipelineapp.io so that Pipeline emails don't accidentally go into SPAM.

The email subject line will be either:

  • Action Required: [Step Name] for notifications that require a response, ex: complete a form, upload a file, etc.
  • [Step Name] for notifications that don't need a response, see Email-Only Steps

Users can opt-out of Action Required email notifications by disabling those email notifications in Account Settings → Notifications (tab). Note, this is enabled by default for all users.

Note, users cannot opt-out of email-only step notifications.

Data masking and security in email

Pipeline ensures the security of your data in email by automatically apply masking 🔒 to specific field names (ex: SSN, SIN, EIN, Date of Birth, Account Number, Routing Number, etc.). This prevents accidental data leakage when form data is included in email.


Pipeline will automatically send reminders (email, text, and even voicemails) based on the reminder schedule for the Flow.

In addition, users can also send reminders for the current step on-demand by clicking on More Actions (â‹®):

Note, sending text (SMS) reminders is only available if the contact has a phone number, and sending a voicemail reminder is only available if the step has voicemail auto-reminder setup in the flow.

In addition, every time a reminder is sent, Pipeline will log it in the Activity Feed for future reference.

Email reminders

Email reminders are sent from alert@pipelineapp.io @ 7am ET / 4am PT to ensure that email reminder is at the top in their inbox. Add-On If you want to customize this, you can purchase a subscription add-on to customize the FROM: address to your specific domain.

Note, users cannot opt-out of email reminders.

Text (SMS) reminders

By default, Pipeline will send text and voicemail reminders from this phone number 972-458-3975 @ 12pm ET / 9am PT. Add-On If you want to customize this, you can purchase a subscription add-on to order a custom number specific to your region.

Per industry standard, users can opt-out of Pipeline text messages by texting back STOP.


Just because you sent someone an email doesn't mean they opened it and read it. That's why Pipeline tracks when someone opens an email in the Activity Feed so you don't have to wonder.

Note, email open tracking operates under the following conditions: 

  • The Action Required email and the Reminder email are tracked as the same email for opens.
  • Pipeline only logs the first time the email is opened by a step owner, not every time they open the email. For example, if a step owner opens the Action Required email and the Reminder email, only the first open will be shown in the Activity Feed.
  • If the Action Required email is sent to a team, Pipeline will tracks opens for each team member.
  • If the step is reassigned to a different step owner, Pipeline will track the email open, since the email was sent to a different contact.
  • If the step owner disabled Action Required notification emails, they will not receive Action Required emails, so no opens for that email will be be tracked. However, Pipeline also tracks Reminder emails, and step owners cannot disable Reminder emails. 
  • Tracking uses a tracking pixel embedded in the email. If the recipient blocks email images, Pipeline will not be able to track the email open.

Special conditions:

  • Pipeline only tracks the original recipient. If the email is forward to another recipient, Pipeline cannot track the new recipient.
  • For GSuite, due to a quirk with the Google image proxy, if the email is auto-forwarded (via filter) or auto-routed to a non-existent, catch-all email address, the Google image proxy will open the image, making it appear as if the email was opened.

Next Steps

View How-To »

Learn how to give a person or team read-only access to an Ask so they can track its progress.

View How-To »

Learn how to customize how and when you want to be notified of important activities.