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Content Variables and Formulas Reference

Solution Guide

All Pipeline Content Variables and Formulas start with {{ and end with }}.


System Variables

You can embed these system variables as part of your step instructions:

Please review the draft that {{previous_step.owner.first_name}} {{previous_step.owner.last_name}} completed.
Variable Description
account.name Name of the account
account.logo Logo of the account
app.domain Domain of the instance, ex: company.pipelineapp.io
ask.id Ask ID
Ask Url
ask.name Ask name
ask.submit_date Ask submit date, in UTC time
previous_step.id Previous step ID
previous_step.number Previous step number
previous_step.owner.name Previous step owner name (contact or team)
previous_step.complete_date Previous step complete date, in UTC time
previous_step.owner.first_name Previous step owner first name, if contact
previous_step.owner.last_name Previous step owner last name, if contact
previous_step.owner.email Previous step owner email, if contact
previous_step.start_date Previous step start date, in UTC time
step.id Step ID
step.number Step number
step1.files Files uploaded to a specific step (step2a.files for a step in a step group)
step1.fields Fields from a specific step (step2a.fields for a step in a step group)
step.complete_date Step complete date, in UTC time
step.owner.id step owner ID
step.owner.name Step owner name (contact or team)
step.owner.first_name Step owner first name, if contact
step.owner.last_name Step owner last name, if contact
step.owner.email Step owner email, if contact
step.start_date Step start date, in UTC time
submitter.first_name Submitter first name
submitter.last_name Submitter last name
submitter.email Submitter email


You can use formulas to manipulate data:

Please review the draft that {{previous_step.owner.first_name}} {{previous_step.owner.last_name}} completed on {{FormatData('previous_step.complete_date','MMM d, yyyy')}}.

Date/Time Formulas

Date/time formulas are ideal for manipulating date/time values.

Formula Description
AddDays(date, units) Adds day(s) (plus or minus) to the specified date. Example: 
  • AddDays('ask.submit_date', 1)
  • AddDays(ParseDate('field[My Date Field]'), 1)
AddHours(date, units) Adds hour(s) (plus or minus) to the specified date. Example: 
  • AddHours('ask.submit_date', 1)
  • AddHours(ParseDate('field[My Date Field]'), 1)
AddMinutes(date, units) Adds minute(s) (plus or minus) to the specified date. Example: 
  • AddMinutes('ask.submit_date', 1)
  • AddMinutes(ParseDate('field[My Date Field]'), 1)
AddMonths(date, units) Adds month(s) (plus or minus) to the specified date. Example: 
  • AddMonths('ask.submit_date', 1)
  • AddMonths(ParseDate('field[My Date Field]'), 1)
AddYears(date, units) Adds year(s) (plus or minus) to the specified date. Example: 
  • AddYears('ask.submit_date', 1)
  • AddYears(ParseDate('field[My Date Field]'), 1)
ConvertTimeZone(date, timezone)

Converts a date to a different time zone, see TimeZone Parameters below. Example: 

  • ConvertTimeZone('ask.submit_date', 'UTC')
  • ConvertTimeZone(ParseDate('field[My Date Field]'), 'Central Standard Time')
FormatDate(date) Formats a date, see Date Formatting Parameters below. Example: 
  • FormatDate('ask_submit_date', 'MM/dd/yyyy')
  • FormatDate('ask.submit_date', 'dd.MM.yyyy')
GetEndOfMonth(date) Calculates the last date in the month. Example: 
  • GetEndOfMonth('ask_submit_date')
  • GetEndOfMonth('field[Invoice Date]')
GetNextDayOfMonth(date, dayOfMonth1, dayOfMonth2) Calculates the next date that falls on the specific dayOfMonth1 or dayOfMonth2. Example: 
  • GetNextDayOfMonth('field[Payment Due Date]', 1)
  • GetNextDayOfMonth('field[Payroll Date]', 15, 31)
GetNextDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek) Calculates the next date that falls on the specified dayOfWeek. Example: 
  • GetNextDayOfWeek('ask_submit_date', 'sunday')
  • GetNextDayOfWeek('field[My Date]', 'friday')
ParseDate(text) Parses text into a date for formatting and/or manipulation

Formatting Formulas

Formula Description
DownloadFiles(stepX.files, stepY.files, ...) Displays a download url for all files in the specified steps, ideal for emails. Note, download Url does NOT require logging in. Example: 
  • DownloadFiles('step1.files')
  • DownloadFiles('step1.files', 'step2.files')
FormatDate(date) Formats a date, see Date Formatting Parameters below. Example: 
  • FormatDate('ask_submit_date', 'MM/dd/yyyy')
  • FormatDate('ask.submit_date', 'dd.MM.yyyy')
FormatNumber(number) Formats a number, see Number Formatting Parameters below. Example: 
  • FormatNumber('10000', '$ ###,###.00')
  • FormatNumber('10000', '€ ### ###,00')
ParseDate(text) Parses text into a date for formatting and/or manipulation
ParseNumber(text) Parses text into a number for formatting and/or manipulation
Replace(text, textToFind, replaceWith) Replaces text with another text. Example: 
  • Replace('ask.name', 'Urgent', '🚩 Urgent')
  • Replace('field[My Field]', 'NASA', 'National Aeronautics and Space Administration')
ReplaceRegex(text, pattern, replaceWith) Replaces text with another text using a regular expression pattern. Example: 
  • ReplaceRegex('ask.name', '\S', '')
  • ReplaceRegex('field[My Field]', '\S', '')
ShowButton(url, title) Displays a Url as a button with optional title, ideal for emails. Example: 
  • ShowButton('ask.url')
  • ShowButton('field[Report Url]')
  • ShowButton('field[Report Url]', 'Download Report')
ShowField(field, title, condition, value) Displays a field with optional title and conditional formatting, ideal for displaying fields in a scorecard. Example: 
  • ShowField('My Field')
  • ShowField('My Field', 'My Title')
  • ShowField('My Field', 'My Title', 'not.blank')

Displays a progress bar, ideal for external steps. Example:

  • ShowProgress(0)
  • ShowProgress(1/3)
StripHtml(text) Removes HTML tags. Example: 
  • StripHtml('ask.url')
  • StripHtml('field[My Field]')
Trim(text) Removes whitespace before and after the text. Example: 
  • Trim('ask.name')
  • Trim('field[My Field]')
UrlEncode(text) Converts text into Url encoded string for links. Example: 
  • UrlEncode('ask.contact_email')
  • UrlEncode('field[My Field]')

Logical Formulas

Logical formulas are ideal for flagging fields based on a specific condition.

Formula Description
IfField(field, condition, value, trueValue, falseValue) Returns one value if a logical expression is TRUE and another if it is FALSE, see Logical Expressions below, ideal for showing conditional text based on a condition. Example: 
  • IfField('ask.contact_name', 'contains', 'Brad', 'Urgent')
  • IfField('My Field', 'startswith', 'North', 'Urgent')
IfFieldBlank(field, trueValue, falseValue) Returns one value if the field value is BLANK (no value) and another if it is NOT BLANK (has value), ideal for showing conditional text based on non-required questions. Example: 
  • IfFieldBlank('My Field', 'Did not answer', 'Answered')
  • IfFieldBlank('When did you graduate high school?', 'Not HS graduate', 'HS graduate')
IfFieldEquals(field, value, trueValue, falseValue) Returns one value if the field value equals Value and another if does NOT, ideal for showing conditional text based on Dropdown or Radio Selections. Example: 
  • IfFieldEquals('Order', 'Rush', 'ship immediately', 'ship after 30 days')
  • IfFieldEquals('Payment Terms', 'NET30', 'due after 30 days', 'due immediately')
IfFieldPassFail(field, condition, value) Returns ✔️ if a logical expression is TRUE and ❌ if it is FALSE, see Logical Expressions below, ideal for flagging fields based on a condition. Example: 
  • IfFieldPassFail('ask.contact_name', 'contains', 'Brad')
  • IfFieldPassFail('My Field', 'equals', 'No')
IfFieldYes(field, trueValue, falseValue) Returns one value if the field value is YES and another if it is NOT YES, ideal for showing conditional text based on Yes/No questions. Example: 
  • IfFieldYes('Are you older than 18?', 'Adult', 'Child')
  • IfFieldYes('Have you ever been convicted of a felony?', 'Prior conviction', 'No-prior conviction')
IfFieldYesPassFail(field) Returns ✔️ if the field value is YES and ❌ if it is NOT YES, ideal for flagging Yes/No questions. Example: 
  • IfFieldYesPassFail('Are you older than 18?')
  • IfFieldYesPassFail('Have you ever been convicted of a felony?')

Logical Expressions

The following are logical expressions used in IfField() and IfFieldPassFail() formulas.

Logical Expression Description
blank Returns TRUE if the value is blank or empty
contains Returns TRUE if the value contains the specified string
endswith Returns TRUE if the value ends with the specified string
equals Returns TRUE if the value equals the specified string
greaterthan Returns TRUE if the value is greater than the specified value
lessthan Returns TRUE if the value is less than the specified string value
not.blank Returns TRUE if the value is not blank or empty
not.contains Returns TRUE if the value does not contain the specified string
not.endswith Returns TRUE if the value does not end with the specified string
not.equals Returns TRUE if the value does not equal the specified string
not.greaterthan Returns TRUE if the value is not greater than the specified value
not.lessthan Returns TRUE if the value is not less than the specified string value
not.one.of Returns TRUE if the value is not any of the specified string value(s), comma separated
not.startswith Returns TRUE if the value does not start with the specified string
one.of Returns TRUE if the value is one of the specified string value(s), comma separated
startswith Returns TRUE if the value starts with the specified string

Date Formatting Parameters

Format specifier Description
d The day of the month, from 1 through 31
dd The day of the month, from 01 through 31
ddd The abbreviated name of the day of the week
dddd The full name of the day of the week
f The tenths of a second in a date and time value
ff The hundredths of a second in a date and time value
fff The milliseconds in a date and time value
ffff The ten thousandths of a second in a date and time value
fffff The hundred thousandths of a second in a date and time value
ffffff The millionths of a second in a date and time value
fffffff The ten millionths of a second in a date and time value
F If non-zero, the tenths of a second in a date and time value
FF If non-zero, the hundredths of a second in a date and time value
FFF If non-zero, the milliseconds in a date and time value
FFFF If non-zero, the ten thousandths of a second in a date and time value
FFFFF If non-zero, the hundred thousandths of a second in a date and time value
FFFFFF If non-zero, the millionths of a second in a date and time value
FFFFFFF If non-zero, the ten millionths of a second in a date and time value
h The hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12
hh The hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12
H The hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23
HH The hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23
m The minute, from 0 through 59
mm The minute, from 00 through 59
M The month, from 1 through 12
MM The month, from 01 through 12
MMM The abbreviated name of the month, ex: Mar
MMMM The full name of the month, ex: March
s The second, from 0 through 59
ss The second, from 00 through 59
t The first character of the AM/PM designator
tt The AM/PM designator
y The year, from 0 to 99
yy The year, from 00 to 99
yyy The year, with a minimum of three digits
yyyy The year as a four-digit number
yyyyy The year as a five-digit number
z Hours offset from UTC, with no leading zeros
zz Hours offset from UTC, with a leading zero for a single-digit value
zzz Hours and minutes offset from UTC
: The time separator
/ The date separator
string Literal string to display
\ The escape character, used to display characters, ex: "Da\te"

Timezone Parameters

Time Zone Parameter Time Zone
Dateline Standard Time (UTC-12:00) International Date Line West
UTC-11 (UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time -11
Hawaiian Standard Time (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
Alaskan Standard Time (UTC-09:00) Alaska
Pacific Standard Time (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-08:00) Baja California
Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan
US Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00) Arizona
Canada Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan
Central America Standard Time (UTC-06:00) Central America
Central Standard Time (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US and Canada)
Central Standard Time (Mexico) ((UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey
Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
SA Pacific Standard Time (UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito
US Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)
Venezuela Standard Time (UTC-04:30) Caracas
Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
Central Brazilian Standard Time (UTC-04:00) Cuiaba
Pacific SA Standard Time (UTC-04:00) Santiago
SA Western Standard Time (UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan
Paraguay Standard Time (UTC-04:00) Asuncion
Newfoundland Standard Time (UTC-03:30) Newfoundland
E. South America Standard Time (UTC-03:00) Brasilia
Greenland Standard Time (UTC-03:00) Greenland
Montevideo Standard Time (UTC-03:00) Montevideo
SA Eastern Standard Time (UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza
Argentina Standard Time (UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires
Mid-Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic
UTC-2 (UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time -02
Azores Standard Time (UTC-01:00) Azores
Cabo Verde Standard Time (UTC-01:00) Cabo Verde Is.
GMT Standard Time (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Greenwich Standard Time (UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik
Morocco Standard Time (UTC) Casablanca
UTC (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time
Central Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
Central European Standard Time (UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
W. Central Africa Standard Time (UTC+01:00) West Central Africa
W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Namibia Standard Time (UTC+01:00) Windhoek
E. Europe Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Minsk
Egypt Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Cairo
FLE Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
GTB Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest
Israel Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Jerusalem
Jordan Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Amman
Middle East Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Beirut
South Africa Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria
Syria Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Damascus
Turkey Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Istanbul
Arab Standard Time (UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
Arabic Standard Time (UTC+03:00) Baghdad
E. Africa Standard Time (UTC+03:00) Nairobi
Kaliningrad Standard Time (UTC+03:00) Kaliningrad
Iran Standard Time (UTC+03:30) Tehran
Russian Standard Time (UTC+04:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd
Arabian Standard Time (UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat
Azerbaijan Standard Time (UTC+04:00) Baku
Caucasus Standard Time (UTC+04:00) Yerevan
Georgian Standard Time (UTC+04:00) Tbilisi
Mauritius Standard Time (UTC+04:00) Port Louis
Afghanistan Standard Time (UTC+04:30) Kabul
West Asia Standard Time (UTC+05:00) Tashkent
Pakistan Standard Time (UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi
India Standard Time (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Sri Lanka Standard Time (UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura
Nepal Standard Time (UTC+05:45) Kathmandu
Ekaterinburg Standard Time (UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg
Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+06:00) Astana
Bangladesh Standard Time (UTC+06:00) Dhaka
Myanmar Standard Time (UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)
N. Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk
SE Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
North Asia Standard Time (UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk
China Standard Time (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
Singapore Standard Time (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Taipei Standard Time (UTC+08:00) Taipei
W. Australia Standard Time (UTC+08:00) Perth
Ulaanbaatar Standard Time (UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar
North Asia East Standard Time (UTC+09:00) Irkutsk
Korea Standard Time (UTC+09:00) Seoul
Tokyo Standard Time (UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
AUS Central Standard Time (UTC+09:30) Darwin
Cen. Australia Standard Time (UTC+09:30) Adelaide
Yakutsk Standard Time (UTC+10:00) Yakutsk
AUS Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
E. Australia Standard Time (UTC+10:00) Brisbane
Tasmania Standard Time (UTC+10:00) Hobart
West Pacific Standard Time (UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby
Vladivostok Standard Time (UTC+11:00) Vladivostok
Central Pacific Standard Time (UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia
Magadan Standard Time (UTC+12:00) Magadan
Fiji Standard Time (UTC+12:00) Fiji
New Zealand Standard Time (UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington
UTC+12 (UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time +12
Tonga Standard Time (UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa
Samoa Standard Time (UTC-11:00) Samoa



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Are you manually sending customers emails with key dates or schedules? Here's how to automate that with Pipeline Content Formulas.

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Find solutions to the common use-cases, such as: personalizing your emails, adding conditional text, and more.

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