CPACharge (AffiniPay)

Jan 11, 2024


Need to collect a one-time payment via CPACharge as one of the steps in your flow? Follow this solution guide to integrate with Pipeline and link to your payment page.

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You will need the following before you can integrate with CPACharge:

  • CPACharge account

Embed CPACharge in a step

Link to your payment page (seamless)

Integrate with CPACharge seamlessly by adding a link to your payment link and pre-populate fields as part of the step instructions. Refer to the CPACharge documentation for instructions on how to generate the link.

Your payment Url will look something like this:[account]/payments

You can even pre-fill values:[account]/payments?amount=[payment_amount]&email=[email]&Invoice=[invoice_name]&reference=[reference_number]

Configure a redirect link

Then, setup a redirect link back to Pipeline to auto-complete the step and move the user forward after they pay in CPACharge. No additional user interaction is required, which gives your a smooth, friction-less user experience.

Your CPACharge redirect Url is:


Contact CPACharge Support via chat and tell them you want to add a redirect link to your payment page.

Additional Resources
  • AffiniPay: Creating a custom payment page link
    AffiniPay creates a payment page for each of a merchant's processing accounts. In addition, you can pre-populate fields on the payment page by adding query parameters to the payment page URL.