
Jul 15, 2022


Need to collect signatures as part of your flow? Integrate with HelloSign and let users eSign your documents! Just follow this solution guide to set it up.

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You will need the following before you can integrate with HelloSign:

  • HelloSign account

Kick-off Pipeline with HelloSign

To kick-off your Pipeline flow automatically after someone signs your signing request, create a  Zapier integration, see our solution guide.

Note, HelloSign does not support personalized, seamless redirects to any 3rd-party destination, including Pipeline, due to 2 key limitations with HelloSign's custom Url:

  • The custom Url is specified for the HelloSign user, which means every signing request will be redirected to the same custom Url.
  • When HelloSign redirects to the customer Url, the signer info isn't sent, which means the signer will have to re-enter their contact info—not a smooth experience.

If you are looking for a provider that supports personalized, seamless redirects from eSignature to the next step, we recommend using DocuSign.

Embed HelloSign in a step

The easiest way to integrate with HelloSign is to add your HelloSign template link as part of the step instructions. Refer to the HelloSign documentation for instructions on how to generate the link.

Note, the HelloSign template link does not support the ability to pre-populate any fields.

Next Steps

View How-To »

When someone eSigns your contract in HelloSign, start your customer onboarding process immediately. Just follow this Zapier solution guide to get started.

View How-To »

Learn how to make steps external-facing so that you can assign steps to your customers, vendors, and partners.

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