HighLevel (LeadConnector)

Nov 26, 2023

HighLevel Admin

Need to automatically update contact or opportunity data in HighLevel based on data collected in Pipeline? Just follow this easy solution guide to setup this integration.

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You will the following before you can integrate Pipeline with HighLevel:

  • HighLevel account

Setup integration

To setup HighLevel integrations, go to Account Settings → Integrations

Then, click Enable to authorize Pipeline to integrate with HighLevel (LeadConnector):

Map fields

Standard Fields

The following standard Contact fields in HighLevel are automatically mapped by Pipeline:

  • Name: First Name, Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Address: Street, City, State, Zipcode
  • Website

Note, when searching for HighLevel contacts, Pipeline uses Email as the contact's unique identifier. If the email is not found, Pipeline will automatically create the contact.

Custom Fields

Custom fields are auto-mapped by Pipeline ↔ HighLevel in 2 ways: Field Name and Field Description.

Mapping with Field Name

Mapping with field names is the easiest way to get started. Pipeline will automatically search for HighLevel custom fields with the same field name and update those fields with Pipeline values.

Note, the downside of this approach is that you have to keep the HighLevel custom fields in sync with the Pipeline field names. So if you ever change the name in one app, you'll have to change it in the other.

Mapping with Field Description

Mapping with Field Description is a more flexible approach and it is our recommended approach to mapping fields.

Simply find the HighLevel field → Expand Additional Preferences. Then, add the Pipeline field name into the description as Pipeline[field_name]:

Once entered, Pipeline will automatically map the Pipeline field to the HighLevel custom field, even if you change the HighLevel custom field!

Update Stage/Status

Note, HighLevel automations that are triggered by opportunity stage or status changes are only triggered by manual updates. They do not get triggered by updates from app integrations or other HighLevel automations.

Wrapper APIs

Finding the HighLevel integration through Zapier too limiting? 

You can leverage Pipeline's native integration with HighLevel to access their full API. The Pipeline back-end will handle all the authentication and ID lookups for you.

API Endpoint: https://5k5ro7091i.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/public/webhook

For security purposes, wrapper API functionalities are disabled by default. You must explicitly request which wrapper API functionalities to enable for your account.

Sample API Calls

Just send a POST (x-www-form-urlencoded) to the API endpoint for any of the following wrapper APIs.

Method Form Name/Value Pair(s)


  • method addmeeting
  • instance [your instance name], ex: apollogroup
  • calendar [HighLevel calendar name]
  • subdomain [HighLevel location ID]
  • contact_email [invitee email], contact will be auto-created if contact doesn't already exist
  • start_time [meeting start time], ISO 8601 format, ex: 2023-10-25T18:00:00+0000, for UTC


  • duration_mins [meeting duration], ex: 60 for 60 mins
  • title [meeting title]
  • location [meeting location]


  • method updatestage
  • instance [your instance name], ex: apollogroup
  • pipeline [Highlevel pipeline name]
  • stage [HighLevel pipeline stage name]
  • status [HighLevel opportunity status (open, won, lost, abandoned)]
  • contact_email [invitee email], contact will be auto-created if contact doesn't already exist


  • tcv [total contract value], ex: 6000