
Jan 15, 2024


Need to collect signatures as part of your flow? Integrate with DocuSign, let users eSign your documents and make a payment! Just follow this solution guide.

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You will the following before you can integrate with DocuSign:

  • DocuSign account (Business Pro or higher subscription)
    • Be sure to also signup for a DocuSign DEMO account for testing, see DocuSign documentation. Otherwise, any envelopes you create in your live DocuSign account will be counted against your envelope allowance.
  • Stripe account (if using payments, signup for free!)

Kick-off Pipeline with DocuSign (seamless)

Want DocuSign to automatically kick-off your flow when a document is signed? Here's how to set up this integration.

Go to the Settings tab for your Flow and find the DocuSign Integration section.

And, download the DocuSign file for the flow.

Also, make sure your flow has the following:

Next, go into DocuSign and go to Settings → Account → Brands and upload the DocuSign file.

And finally, update your DocuSign template(s) to use this new brand.

With this integration, after someone signs via DocuSign, they will be automatically be taken to the first step in your flow.

Note, only the signer's name and phone is processed by Pipeline with this integration. Any other DocuSign form fields are ignored.

Sender Settings

Be sure to enable Allow sender to download form data in SettingsSending Settings.

Embed DocuSign in a step

Link to your PowerForm

The easiest way to integrate with DocuSign is to adding a link to your DocuSign PowerForm as part of the step instructions. Refer to the DocuSign documentation for instructions on how to create a PowerForm.

Your PowerForm Url will look something like this:

You can even pre-populate PowerForm fields, ex: nameemailcompany, etc. Refer to the DocuSign documentation for instructions on how to pre-populate PowerForm fields.

Note, linking to a DocuSign PowerForm has some technical limitations:

  • After a user signs via DocuSign, they stay on the DocuSign confirmation page. They are not returned to the Pipeline flow to continue forward. With a simple DocuSign link, your user must manually return to Pipeline and complete the Pipeline step to move forward, which is not a smooth customer experience.

Link to your PowerForm (seamless)

A seamless link to your PowerForm gives you the ability to auto-complete the Pipeline step and move the user forward after they sign in DocuSign.

No additional user interaction is required, which gives your a smooth, friction-less user experience.

In addition, this integration will automatically attach the signed document from DocuSign to your step in Pipeline.

Note, you must purchase a Managed Integration addon for Pipeline to do this. Contact us to get started.

Collect payment or setup recurring billing upon signature

Did you know you can also collect a one-time payment or setup recurring billing upon signature with DocuSign? You can and it's easy! Just refer to the DocuSign documentation for instructions on how to setup DocuSign Payments.

Note, for recurring payments, DocuSign has some technical limitations:

  • For recurring payments, DocuSign will only collect the payment method and setup the customer in Stripe.
  • DocuSign will NOT automatically create the recurring charge for the customer. You will need to create the recurring charge manually in Stripe.

If you want it to be completely automated, you need to setup the automation yourself or purchase a Managed Integration addon for Pipeline.

Next Steps

View How-To »

Want to kick-off your Pipeline process immediately after your customer signs in DocuSign? Here's how to set up the native integration. Zapier not required!

View How-To »

Learn how to make steps external-facing so that you can assign steps to your customers, vendors, and partners.

View How-To »

Learn how to automate your flows using rules and triggers.

Additional Resources
  • DocuSign: Create a PowerForm
    A PowerForm is a way to create a self-service document for signature without writing any code. A PowerForm is initiated from a unique, secure URL that you make available for signers to complete.

  • DocuSign: Create a Template
    Creating a template allows you to re-use your signing document over-and-over again, instead of it from scratch every time.

  • DocuSign: DocuSign Payments and Payment Gateways
    DocuSign Payments offers a way to collect payments along with signed agreements. To use DocuSign Payments, the account administrator sets up one or more payment gateways to accept and process payments from signers

  • DocuSign: Get started with a Developer account
    Get Started: Bringing together concepts, examples, and guides to begin your DocuSign journey

  • DocuSign: Populate Custom Document Fields in a Web PowerForm
    When using a URL for a Web PowerForm, you can customize the URL to pre-populate information into the PowerForm. This can make the signing process easier for the recipient, and is useful if you know your recipient's identity, or you want to specify an envelope custom field or field values in advance.

  • DocuSign: What happens if I exceed the envelope allowance on my eSignature plan?
    When you subscribe to a DocuSign eSignature plan, the envelope allowance depends on your plan. Once an envelope is sent, it will count towards the envelope allowance included in your plan, whether or not the envelope is signed or completed.