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Step Settings

Mar 9, 2022

Think of each step in the process as if it might be completed by someone new every time. This way, you will write the instructions so that the step is completed consistently and accurately despite the knowledge and experience of the user. Set your steps up for success by helping folks become immediate pros.

Writing Instructions

  • Choose a simple, short and actionable step name. Example below:
    • NOT RECOMMENDED Step 2 - Train Team Members
      • This might take several weeks depending on schedules and could hold up the entire Ask unnecessarily
    • RECOMMENDED Step 2 - Send Training Calendar to Team Members
      • This can be completed whether or not the team members attend the training or end up rescheduled
    • PRO TIP: Set yourself up for success in this example by incorporating into a future a step a review with the client/lead on how many team members were trained.
  • Provide detailed instructions explaining what needs to be done but be mindful of length.
    • Include links to systems, repositories or other resources that the step owner would need to complete this step.

Smart Instructions

As you are making several steps in your flow, there are times when pulling information over from one step to another would make decisions, approvals or review even easier to complete.  Follow the instructions below to pull files attached or all step form values from one step into another!

  • When building a step, you can pull in the files that are attached or field values from other steps.  This creates easy references to information without having to look in the activity feed or other steps.
  • As step order is rearranged, the files and fields referenced will shift along with them.


Single Field Smart Instructions

Do you need a specific field from a step instead of the entire form? We have you covered! Gather field values from multiple steps into one by following the below method.

  • Insert content variables by typing  {{field in the instructions area. A menu will pop up with all your field options
    • Fields you created in this flow will be listed in the content variables list
    • System default content variables will also be listed
  • The field name can have spaces and special characters
  • No need to create the same form field in the Ask form and steps... use Single Field Smart Instructions instead!

Combine content variables with Smart Rules to change Ask names and much more! Read More.