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Step Groups

Mar 27, 2022

Step Groups

Grouping steps together to make phases or sections of your process is an easy and effective way to add detailed sub-processes to any flow. The step group main task will not be assigned to anyone as it's actually made up of smaller tasks and when those are completed or skipped, the step group will automatically complete.

Rest assured, almost all of the standard step functionality is available for steps within a step group.

IMPORTANT! You can't drag and drop existing steps into a step group. You need to create or recreate them within the step group.

More information:

  • Step groups are identified alpha-numerically: Step 1a, Step 1b, etc
  • Steps within the group can be kicked back to a previous step
  • Step order can be rearranged within a step group
  • When a step outside of the step group kicks back, it can be to the entire step group or one step within it
  • Step groups are limited to 26 steps (a-z)

How to Build Step Groups 

  • In your flow, click on the Add Step or Step Group button 
  • Select Create step group
  • Assign the Step Group Name and how many steps you want to be in the group 
  • Click Add
  • You can edit the names of each step in the group, and assign the steps to users just like regular steps

Decide on using a step group first 

Grouping steps together organizes subtasks within a main task, simplifying the overall process. The step group is not owned by anyone and will be automatically completed when all sub-steps are complete or skipped. Once you've determined a step group is needed, create all sub steps within it, removing as needed.

IMPORTANT! You can't drag and drop an existing step into a step group. You will need to create or recreate the step within the step group. 

    • Recommended: Sub-steps are smaller steps to complete the main task.
      • Step 2 Group - Data Processing & Upload:

        • Step 2a: Export data from all accounts

        • Step 2b: Run vLookups and matches
        • Step 2c: Import new data sheet 
    • Not recommended:
      • Step 2 Group - Schedule Meeting:

        • Step 2a: Add notes to account

        • Step 2b: Upload Data Sheet
        • Step 2c: Transfer Ownership